Monday, April 28, 2008

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Fast Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as one of the Marketingbmmdvsi off-page SEO solutions in the internet today. It has the ability Articlemarndokvifhusm drive quality, targeted traffic to your site, pull up your search engine rankings, boost your sales potential, dramatically increase your profits, and most importantly, position yourself as a key person in your industry.

1. Know your target Webejrfanng Get to know the people to whom you are writing your content for. This can make you more effective in writing articles that are targeted to their needs and demands. This will also empower you to choose the best writing style and most appropriate words that your readers can easily identify with so you can get your message across quickly.

2. Pick the best article Amartdbcavpx sites. To date, there are thousands of publishing sites but only few of them are highly visited. Don't waste your time on websites that cannot give your articles the exposure they need and stick with the ones that have impressive page views and higher page ranking.

3. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean ensuring that all your data are closely related to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

4. Your articles must be easy to understand. Communicate your ideas using the simplest terms and writing style. Avoid using never-ending sentences and check on your punctuations as these can alter your ideas when not used appropriately.

5. Have your articles automatically submitted. Manually submitting your articles can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. Save your time and energy by taking advantage of electronic submission software that can help you post your articles in just few clicks in your mouse.

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Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Article Marketing and Social Bookmarking

The reason why some webmasters use articles from free Amartugoduzikvsv directories is to drive targeted traffic to their website and to increase their income. More and more site owners have seen Amartqakwdbfgwnd effects articles have done for the traffic of their sites.

Article marketing is a very good method, especially for those new entrepreneurs who have just begun to work as an affiliate for several different companies and are in need of funding, yet at the same time they need to build a small niche website to steer visitors towards their site so they are able to begin earning income.

Writing and submitting new articles is a crucial part of any website promotion strategy. A well written, informative article helps to build Amartqroeuabwfu credibility in your subject area. The links in the article resource box provide targeted traffic and effectively help to optimize your site for the search engines.

Writing and submitting new articles to article directories is an continuously task Tarangbhargavamcjxljfrltk should be performed at least on a weekly basis. Amartvunixnmgdd article that is approved and published by an article directory is "hot" only for a day or two. This is because it will be displayed on the "latest articles" pages which receive more traffic than the category pages. A new article will typically remain in Google primary search results for only a week or two before it will be sent to the supplementary index. You should keep in mind though that most articles submitted in bulk to many directories will be interpreted as duplicate content and will end up in the supplemental index.

This is the reason why it is so important to submit your articles on a regular, frequent basis. If you submit at least one article a week, then you will always have a few articles that are in the primary index and getting more readers.

Submitting new articles to article directories might not be enough though. Promoting your articles while they are still "hot" is also very important. One of the most powerful promotional methods is to take advantage of the explosive growth of social bookmarking sites.

Social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Reddit, Digg and Technorati allow users to bookmark and share their favorite web pages (blogs, dynamic or static web pages, articles and so on). If you bookmark your articles in various directories, you can increase the number of people that are exposed to your article. As they click through on your headline and they read your article, they may choose to click your active hyperlink to visit your website, bringing you indirect, but targeted traffic.

The more links an article has pointing to it, the better it will rank in the search results, so these links have a very important SEO value as well. Social bookmarking sites are a very powerful tool to get more links pointing to your articles, providing a higher ranking in the search results.

By its own, article marketing is an extremely effective method to promote your site and improve your search engine optimization, but by taking advantage of the viral nature of social bookmarking, you can dramatically increase the range of your audience and ultimately, bring more visitors to your site.

The author is webmaster at a free article directory.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Article Marketing - The Importance of Writing 10 Articles A Day

It's a known fact, the more articles you write, the more successful your article marketing is going to become. Why? Because if you were to write more than 300 articles, your articles will get onto search engines first page. I promise that they will. The more that you flood the market with your articles, the more that your audience is going to be able to touch onto your articles. The more that your articles are going to be able to touch onto your articles, the more your readers are going to be sending links to your article to other people. This is a great way to get inbound links!

That is why I cannot stress enough why writing ten articles a day will help you in your article marketing journey. Writing at least ten articles a day will get you more publicity, and more traffic your website or more promotion about your business. Articles are very powerful in hoards. They really are. In fact, your not going to see the traffic that articles can really give you unless you write about 250 articles. This is a lot of articles. I'm not going to lie. So to break it up, just write ten articles a day. But some article marketers aren't able to write ten articles day. So to help you out, here are some helpful pointers to get you to write those ten articles.

  • Just by sitting down and actually getting onto your article hosting server is a great way to get you to write your articles. Article marketers might become lazy and not even log onto their article writing account. Just log on and see how many articles your going to write.

  • Some marketers might have writers block. This is easy to overcome. Just read other articles about your subject. This is a great way to get new ideas and to get out of the slump that you're in.

  • Try setting a certain amount of time in your day dedicated to writing ten articles a day. It seriously only takes about an hour out of your day when you get the hang of it. Just try it out.

Writing ten articles a day is important to your article marketing success! So get out there and write those ten articles!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets - Should I Use Anchor Text or Absolute URLs in My Resource Box?

Q: In my article marketing approach and working towards creating back-links to my site(s), does it matter in my resource box whether I type out the URL versus writing which would say "come visit" my site (with the come visit being the link?)

A:This is a good question, and in fact, it matters a lot.

Anchor text or absolute URLs?

Anchor text is when a word or a few words are clickable links. For example, you often see "click here" as a clickable link. In your example, "come visit" would be an underlined clickable link. The advantage to anchor text is that it looks good to the human eye and when you include key words in the anchor text, it looks good to the search engines.

The problem is we have found is that many of the people that use articles on web sites, blogs and newsletters are not savvy enough to use the html the right way so your anchor text winds up as a dead link. An absolute url is a url that begins with http: and ends with .com or the file name. In this way, the link becomes clickable whenever it is used.

If I am using all three available links in the resource box, two out of three of my links will be absolute urls and just one will be an anchor text link. If I am using just two links I would probably use two absolute urls just to be sure. You could have one of each though. And of course if I am just using one link that link will be an absolute url.

In this way you can be certain your link(s) will work for you in your article resource box. You can check out the example below to see what I mean.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Unlock The Secret Of Choosing A Profitable Niche Market For Your Article Marketing

Are you using the correct strategy for your article marketing? Many people when they first start doing article marketing want to write about anything. It is very important to target your articles to a very specific market.

When I first started marketing on the internet. I did everything right. I built my website and started driving traffic to it. Unfortunately this was all in vain. You see I could not actually monetize my traffic.

This is a common mistake for most people new to internet marketing. They will do everything right only to find out that they can't monetize their traffic.

So one of the very first steps that you need to do before you decide to stick to the article marketing niche that you are going to focus on writing articles for is the following. You need to send two hundred visitors to your sales page and if you receive no sales then it is unlikely that you will make money from this niche market.

Consequently this means that you need to find another topic to write articles on that you can monetize the traffic. Get this crucial step wrong and your internet business will crumble.

So let us look at the theory behind a niche market. You need to find a smaller segment of a mainstream market where the volume of sales is too small to justify a big competitor to enter that market. You also need to offer good customer service. This will allow you to generate repeat sales from loyal customers. This will earn you substantial profits in the future as it it is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to a new customer.

The better that you become at choosing a niche market to write articles on the more stable the foundations of your internet home based business will be.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Hidden Benefits of Article Marketing

Many people who are looking for ways to get traffic to their website are familiar with article marketing. The way it works is actually quite simple. You write an article that is based on a long tail keyword phrase and post it to a website that has weight in the eyes of Google. One of the most popular places to post these particular articles is EzineArticles.

What many people don't realize, however, is that there is another way to do this article marketing that will actually generate, not only traffic but will give your website additional weight in the eyes of the search engine's. It is basically a means in which you will capitalize on the success of other websites.

Almost all webmasters are looking for unique content. If you find websites that are similar to your own, write them an e-mail and offer to put a unique article on their website, one that you wrote yourself. Be prepared to send them a sample of your article writing abilities. You would be surprised at the number of webmasters who are willing to post your content on their website in exchange for a link back to your own site.

This is one of the easiest ways to get your link on to some top ranking webpages online. Although it may be tempting to game the search engines by using tricky methods, using a solid marketing practice, such as this can give your site the momentum it needs for it to rank well on its own.

To discover more, download my brand new free audio report here: How The Internet Helped Me Build A $180,000 Service Business



Monday, April 14, 2008

Developing Your Own Internet Marketing Product - And Profiting With It

You want to make money online, and so do thousands and thousands of other people. The market for a "make money online" product may look threatening and full of vicious competition, but you can cash in on a small portion of the action. It is essential that you develop your own Internet marketing ebook.

The best way to create a winning product is to deliver quality information. Your ebook must be full of real step-by-step advice on creating income online. If you cannot tell your audience exactly how to profit, they will be asking for a refund. Promise and deliver great information.

Make your ebook stand out. You know there is a lot of competition in this market, so be different. Be bold and you will stand out from the crowd. Offer insane bonuses like sales letter templates and website graphics.

Look like a professional. This is key to winning your audience over. Nobody wants to buy from Joe Blow, the guy down the street that drives a Toyota. Show that you are successful and people will be begging you for advice. Live the dream, and offer that dream to your customer - for a price.

If you have read other articles about marketing products online, you probably know that a plan is essential. You must develop a great marketing strategy in order to create your online income. Plan accordingly and you will make money.

Remember, you can cash in on this market. But you cannot be afraid to step outside the box. Always deliver quality and truly try to help your customer succeed online.

Want to learn more about profiting online? Visit to get all the tools you need to make money today.



Saturday, April 12, 2008

Help Yourself With Internet Banking Websites

There are many advantages to using internet banking.

It is easy to open an internet banking account. You sit, in the comfort of your home or office, and type in the answers to a few questions. You set up security measures that will be used to access your account, like usernames, passwords, etc. Then, all you need to do is print off and sign a form to send in to complete the process.

Internet banking is cheaper. With the advantage of having no physical structure to keep up, virtual banks have low overhead. They can afford to cut you a break by offering higher interest rates on your savings. They will also offer lower overdraft fees. Even banks that are backed by physical buildings encourage online banking with free bill paying services.

Internet banking allows you to compare deals easily. You can go to different online banks and find out their interest rates and policies about checking and savings accounts. You can learn what credit cards they offer, and at what rates. You can compare loan terms. You can check with the FDIC to check the banks' credibility.

Internet banking customers can watch their daily balances. By going on the internet to the bank's website you can look at what is going on in your account any day or time. You can check your balance. You can find out if a particular check has cleared your account or see when automatic deposits are made. All these services make check bouncing nearly a thing of the past.

Your monthly statement can be reconciled by using your computer. You can download your bank data into a software program like Quicken or Microsoft Money. Then, with a few clicks of your mouse you can square up your account. Through your internet banking account, you can even see copies of checks you have written.

You have a better chance to catch fraudulent use if you have an internet banking account. When you check your debits and deposits, you will most likely notice if something is there that you did not do. If someone withdraws money from your account, you will know it as soon as you log on and look over your account. Then, you can work on correcting the situation long before you would even notice it with conventional banking.

Internet banking is much more convenient than traditional banking. You do not have to wait for the bank to open its doors. You do not have to drive to get there. If you are using internet banking for your office, you will not have to waste valuable time going to the bank. You can manage your funds anywhere, any time.

Internet banking is growing for a reason. People are getting accustomed to transacting business over the internet. They are enjoying the convenience and the control over their money that internet banking gives them.

Terry Detty finds Self Help Credit Repair and Niche Website Builder his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk. His latest interest is a newInternet Marketing Affiliate Program he's been using.



Friday, April 11, 2008

Internet Presence: Is Yours Positive?

If you have one at all, is your Internet presence communicating a positive image, or are you fighting "Digital Dirt"?

"Digital Dirt"? What the heck is that? Read on.

A June 12, 2006 ExecuNet Press Release (Growing Number Of Job Searches Disrupted By Digital Dirt) stated:

"According to a recent survey of 100 executive recruiters conducted by ExecuNet, the leading executive job search and recruiting network, 77% use search engines to learn more about candidates. Of those who use sites such as Google (GOOG) and Yahoo! (YHOO) to check the background of job seekers, 35% have eliminated a candidate from consideration based on the information uncovered online up significantly from 26% just one year ago."

So what's someone to do if there is content that isn't supporting the Internet presence, impression, brand, image they want people to have of them? How do they drive the article, press release, blog or blog comment they mistakenly posted that is inconsistent with the image they want people developing of them off the radar?

Just as the abridged content above states - take steps to add positive content online. Personal Branding Consultant, Cindy Kraft also talks about this on her blog The CFO Coach, and also commented on this in the Experts Connection Webinar we both spoke at that I discussed in my Do You Exist? blog post.

By creating and driving new positive content above the "Digital Dirt" you are trying to sweep off the search engine radar and associating it with the same key word phrases that hit upon the original "Digital Dirt" in the first place you stand a better chance of pushing any "Digital Dirt" into the noise.

So how do you do build a positive Internet presence? It's actually pretty straight forward if you are a member of a highly trafficed on-line networking platform that has constantly changing content in the form of blogging, articles, clubs. The absolute best on-line networking platform for building and driving an on-line Internet presence is Ecademy. Drive your "Digital Dirt" into the noise by leveraging the same capability that enables you to create an Internet presence. This is the same capability that causes your Ecademy Profile and blogs to rank on the first page of Google, and more importantly that gives you the ability to drive off-Ecademy content to the first page of Google through cross linking content. You can read more about this in my following blog posts:

  • Internet Presence
  • Do you exist?
  • Is your Networking Profile useless?
  • This is some fun stuff!! - Building a Personal Internet Presence

  • Happy Networking.

    Ron Bates is an expert in mission critical retained executive search. He is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. He has delivered personal executive coaching projects to former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, and WorldCom Exec's responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self guided job search oriented executive coaching process.

    With +27,000 direct contacts on on-line professional networking platforms, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth". View Rons networking profile on Ecademy.

    As a recognized expert in building an on-line personal Internet presence, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, and is a regular guest on Netshares Ask the Coach.

    Ron's blog: Internet Presence Do you exist? can be found at

    For more information on Conducting a Job Search Campaign go to



    Thursday, April 10, 2008

    Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet - Why Shop at a Polo Outlet Store When You Have the Internet?

    Ralph Lauren polo outlet is not the best find to find discount clothing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your days of hopping in the car and driving to a polo outlet are finished. Why would you waste the time of piling into your car and spending an insane amount of money, just to go and hit the outlet store.

    The time has come for you to tap into the greatest resource you could ever find. Uhm, I am talking about the internet. You can make a few clicks and sit back on the couch and just wait for the mail man. Sure, you may have to wait a couple of days before your discount Ralph Lauren clothing arrives, but well worth it when you get them at a great price.

    You do not even have to go the department store websites. You know the price they offer is nowhere near your budget. So, what's a man or women to do. First, stop wasting gas driving to your closest Ralph Lauren polo outlet. Secondly, begin searching the Internet, you will be able to find tons of drop shippers with quality RL Polo clothing ready to get you the best deal. Don't worry, all the goods are the real thing, no knockoffs. Well, sometimes a stray pops up now and then, but it still beat the big store prices. I went to one of this weekend with my wife, I was appalled to see a vest jacket I wanted, I flipped over the price tag and laughed. They wanted $180.00 for a vest jacket, unreal.

    Stop shopping at Ralph Lauren polo outlet and find the great prices online.

    Let me show on the best place to find Ralph Lauren clothing at wickedly good prices. Go now to Discount Ralph Lauren Shirts and give your bank account a break.
